You-I, You-I (Yuken Teruya)
Smart imprinting of US fighters into Okinawa style of kimono, made by stencil dyeing method.
Appear as you are, be as you appear (Alisha Khalid)
Contrast of luxurious jacket of velvet and silk against the lining steel needles on the inside to portray beauty and tradition as double-edged sword.
Translated vase (Yee Sookyung)
Fragments of Korean ceramics recomposed into new sculptures by using geum (gold in Korean) to fill in geums (cracks in Korean).
Same same and no difference between unity and self destruction (Tang Da Wu)
Ironically, hammer that usually work on nails is held together by nails in this structure.
Sun tzu's art of war (Vertical submarine)
The back of the armchair has been shot 64 arrows, symbolising the different strategies one can deploy against an opponent. However, knowledge as power can be a formidable tool to but also to sabotage oneself, and the best laid plans are not always fool proof.
No title ~ from 'this too shall pass' (Sudarshan Shetty)
Working with Bengali craftsman, Shetty applied the traditional practice of Indian woodcarving to create an elaborate wooden archway with Tree of Life motifs - a hallmark of traditional Indian artwork. An ominous pendulum, in the form of a sword, denies entry into the archway, while the relentless ticking from a metronome, portrays the stillness of passing time. No title is both a metaphor for beauty that is constructed by danger, as well as a meditation on mortality.
I saw national socialism (Li Songsong)
Artist's interpretation of a photograph, portraying Adolf Hitler visiting a soldier who was wounded during a failed bomb assassination attempt on him on 20July1944. The placid image of the infamous dictator, captured in a human moment of comradeship, is intended to provoke discomfort, promoting viewers to reconsider alternative possibilities of not just European history but the consequences of its politics on the rest of world.